During the pandemic, the Thrift Shop is closed. We are not accepting donations. Please visit our webpage for updates. Thank you!
The Thrift Shop is located just behind the church in the house that was once the church rectory. The shop is open every Tuesday from 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. and the 2nd and 4th Saturdays of the month from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
The Trinity Thrift Shop’s mission is to raise funds to support outreach activities. Trinity’s outreach activities include, but are not limited, to supporting Backpack Blessings, the Grassroots Route 1 Day Resource Center, and the Baltimore Area Aftercare Program (BAAP).
The Thrift Shop has two seasons for clothing: Fall/Winter and Spring/Summer. It typically offers Fall/Winter clothing from October through March and offers Spring/Summer clothing from April through September. In addition, there are special seasonal displays (e.g. for Christmas, Mother’s Day, Halloween). On key dates there are also Bag Sales where customers can purchase a full paper grocery bag of clothing at a deep discount. Please check the Church website for the exact dates and announcements.
Please note that the shop follows the closing decisions of Howard County schools. The Thrift Shop will close on any Tuesday when the Howard County Public Schools open late or are closed. The shop is closed on Saturday when Howard Community College opens late or is closed for inclement weather